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By Admin June 4, 2021

Days Gone PC Review Better Than Ever

Days Gone has ridden onto Steam as the latest Playstation exclusive to make it onto PC, opening up Bend Studio’s work to a whole new audience. I reviewed Days Gone when it first launched on the PS4 back in 2018 and found it to be entertaining to play with a strong lead character. A couple of years on my initial thoughts haven’t changed too much, so you can check out the original review for those. It is definitely worth it to pick it up. With the new PC Version it comes with extra Graphics Overhaul which increase the immersiveness.

By Admin June 4, 2021

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition Partial Review

This remastering of the entire Mass Effect trilogy was long lusted after, then rumoured to exist, and then finally one of the worst kept secrets in the industry. Although the franchise was tarnished by the third game’s ending, and a massive fan-driven campaign to get said ending changed, the Mass Effect games remain one of the beloved, cherished and respected series in all of gaming. Expectations have been high, then, especially since BioWare has fallen from grace, becoming a shadow of what they once were.

By Admin June 4, 2021

Outriders Review – Surprisingly Good Fun

Well, better late than never, right? Weeks after becoming a hit, in no small way due to launching on Game Pass on day one, my review for Outriders is finally here. People Can Fly have been quiet over the years, working on co-developing and remastering Bulletstorm, so it’s great to see the former Gears of War: Judgement developers releasing their own project after so long, a sci-fi third-person shooter with plenty of loot. Is it worth playing? Should you pick it up or download it from Game pass? Yes, and yes.